Align With Your Design

Inspired action brings aligned results

  • You have tried and tested many things to make your business successful
  • You know you're great at what you do with clients, but where are they? 
  • You know something has to change, but what?
  • You want to run your own business, but on your own terms 

If any of these statements is you, you're in the right spot. 

Being a solopreneur can be a lonely thing. You're doing your best, but sometimes it just feels like it's never enough. Other business owners seem to be doing great and they make you wonder: 'what am I doing wrong?'. 

The answer is; 'You're not doing anything wrong, you just don't focus on the right things'. And what is the right thing? That's bloody hard to determine when you're in the middle of it all. 

You need some fresh eyes on your zone of genius and your secret sauce, the things that makes you stand out. You have got several blind spots when it comes to you - and perhaps you haven't fully identified your zone of genius or secret sauce altogether. 

With my Align With Your Design programme, that will change. I'll hold your hand for a year to build a solid foundation and I won't let go before you're getting results! 

It is time to focus on your business - and yourself!

Are you craving for a breakthrough?

Be honest, how many online programs have you bought, hoping they would bring that big change in your business? And how many did you buy that you didn't finish? 

I know exactly what that's like, so you're in great company here. For years on end, I bought programs and waited for the big breakthrough that didn't come. Over the years, I spent thousands of euros on online programs and masterminds, hoping things would change. Except it didn't happen.  

When I found out that these programs didn't match my personality and how I'm wired to work at the core. They didn't fit my way of working, taking decisions and running a business. When I found out how I could run my business my own way, everything shifted. 

That's why I'm doing things differently and this program is a result of the decision I took, quite some time ago.

What is the Align With Your Design programme?

This program starts with a 1:1 deep dive with me, where we go deep into your business, discover your 'gold' and how you can use that in your business. At the end of the day, you have a tailor-made plan that you will implement during the months that follow. 

Important elements during this deep dive are your Human Design, my intuition, everything that worked for you in the past and the things you love doing most. 

During the months after this deep dive, we'll be working together intensively to implement your plan. Every month, we will have a follow up 1:1 Zoom call to dive into the issues you're facing when implementing your plan. 

Together with other, like-minded entrepreneurs you will explore, learn and grow to lean into your Human Design and use it to be unapologetically successful with your business. 

Focus and accountability help you to actually get things done and to stay away from overwhelm and procrastination. 

One of the previous participants said; 'I've done more in one month than in the previous two years!'.

It's time to shift from working hard
to working smart

This is what you can expect from Align with Your Design

✅ Weekly support, exchange and growth in a small group 

✅ A 2-hour 1:1 deep dive at the beginning of your journey plus a Human Design reading

✅ A monthly 30-minute 1:1 with me 

✅ A monthly hot seat session with the group for inspiration and feedback 

✅ A monthly planning session with the group for review and planning

✅ No one size fits all, but a highly tailor-made approach and a loving kick in the butt when you need it

✅ An action plan that will get you going long after Align With Your Design has finished

Your investment

€297 excluding VAT per month for a minimum of 3 months.

* If you don't have a credit card, please send me an email to reserve your spot

* If you don't have a credit card, please send me an email to reserve your spot

This is for you if you;

  • Ready to take big leaps
  • Have the feeling you have been playing small for too long
  • Are dreaming to make a difference in the world 
  • Tried and tested various programs and blueprints, but none of them really worked

This is NOT for you if you;

  • Are not willing to go outside your comfort zone 
  • Find it hard to get feedback 
  • Are not ready (yet) to follow your calling 
  • Find it hard to commit yourself to focus and taking action 

If you feel I'm your coach, then click on the button below and book your spot at the Align With Your Design programme. 

* If you don't have a credit card, please send me an email to reserve your spot

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